Shilpa Thengil

Govt Ayurveda College, India

Title: Microbiome- The past and future of ayurveda- A proposal


Enormous quantities of microbes exist inside our GIT. The genes expressed by these microbes is collectively known as microbiome. DNA sequencing technology and bioinformatics have made it possible to evaluate the composition of the diverse community of bacteria, archaea, fungi, viruses, and other organisms that form the microbiome. A growing body of research has now correlated the microbiome with a wide variety of diseases. The gut microbiome participates in vital processes including digestion, energy homeostasis and metabolism, the synthesis of vitamins and other nutrients, and the development and regulation of immune function. It also contributes to the production of numerous compounds that enter the blood and affect various tissues and organs of the body. When the microbiome is in balance it contributes to many health benefits, but when out of balance, it can cause problems in the gut and other areas of the body. Dysbiosis arises when the delicate and elaborate ecology of microbial communities are disrupted by internal or external factors. Recent research has helped us understand the connection between the microbiome and the many different prevention and therapeutic treatment approaches of Ayurveda. The presence of microbiome assisted functioning in various aspects of ayurvedic principles like prakriti, panchakarma, ama and even brain functioning has been proven with the help of metagenomics and metabolomics. Hence uniting fields like bioinformatics, metagenomics and the vasthi procedure in ayurveda can develop futuristic therapeutics and prevention protocols which can take over invasive procedures like faecal transplant to get much better ecosystems of microbiota inside our gut. Through this we can devise a microbiome-based therapeutics and diagnostics and hence get deeper insights into the functioning of vasthi. 
