Supporting Journals
Polish Journal Of Food And Nutrition Sciences
ISSN: 1230-0322
Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences was established by the Committee of Food Sciences and the Committee of Human Nutrition Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Polish Food Technologists' Society, and the Polish Society of Nutritional Sciences. It has been published as Roczniki Chemii i Technologii ?ywno?ci (1957-1974) and Acta Alimentaria Polonica (1975-1991). Since 1992, PJFNS has been published by the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn. In the years 2014-2018, Journal's electronic version was published by the global scientific publishing house de Gruyter.
Today, all manuscripts submitted to PJFNS are processed via the Editorial System on-line submission system and its contents are delivered through the Journals System platform for scholarly journals provided by Bentus company.